I still have work to do! We all do!

Working in middle of the night in a slow call center really gives you time to reflect on people’s true intentions as they enter and exit your life.
I can’t control what they do. I CAN AND WILL control how I react.

You get what you put out. Respect given is respect earned. If you are hurtful, deceitful, and cruel..someone will turn around and offer that to you someday. When you generate positivity and love, you’ll be blessed by the same.

Be kind my lovelies: be kind! You never know the pain or tragedy that another has endured. Sometimes things you couldn’t even imagine have turned people inside out, yet, they walk amongst us seemingly happy and content.

Those of us who struggle with scars no one can see understand this.

I’m just beginning to mend all the horrible damage that those scars have done to not only myself, but, to those I love the most.
The ugly words, actions and choices are very often the result of unseen and unknown travesties that someone has suffered.

Before we shake our heads, judge and walk out on those who we deem as unfixable or problematic, Please remember how God went to save that one sheep who went astray and left the ninety nine that didn’t stray.

Everyone deserves kindness and understanding. Walk a mile in their shoes. Listen to their story. Giving up on them is weak. WWJD! Think about a time in your life when that one reassuring hug, smile or “hey no matter what you do I know your heart is more loving than that pain inside you.”

I have received so much love from so many of you, my friends and family! In turn I love you all whole heart right back. Im so blessed to be loved even with all the drama, tears and mistakes I create. Thank You! I’m grateful and thank the Lord for your enduring patience and love. (Even if sometimes you don’t understand)

All we need is love.





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