Thoughts on how God is missing in all the chaos in the world.

So, I’m a self admitted weirdo, dreamer. I spend my existence searching for answers to questions asked since the beginning of time. With Gods Grace I’ve been given paths that have led me to inspire
and be blessed by friendships who endured and dare I say enjoy my weirdness. I’m marching to the beat of my own drummer and some folks dislike the non conformity of that. I don’t identify with any one group of individuals. I am outcast by most labeled groups. I experience discrimination daily by the label obsessed culture we live in. That has made for some degree of loneliness in my adult life. But it always unearths the support and love that God intends me to find. Speaking your mind. Standing up for what you believe. Putting your foot down to stop action you know is wrong. Praying in the middle of a demonic expression on display. These are easy things that just take Faith and Confidence. What is truly difficult and I believe is the answer in each of us. Stand by yourself, without the comfort and safety of a group that identifies with you. Be yourself and walk in the love of Christ. Sit in the front row of church by yourself. Sing Praises to God, let it just be you with the Lord. Not all the time of course He wants us together in fellowship. He expects us to Love and Support one another. All this chaos in the world is here to teach us something, otherwise it wouldn’t be here. What are we learning? Has anyone who is protesting, peacefully or not, thought about God? We are one nation, under God, rights? Have we asked Him for clarity of getting along in this world of labels, groups, organizations and parties?
What do I belong to? I belong to the Children of God. Who do I believe in? I believe in God. Where do I want to go? I will go to the Kingdom.




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